

TB-500 is rapidly gaining popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking to enhance muscle size and expedite the recovery journey. Fundamentally rooted in the extensive peptide Thymosin Beta 4, TB-500 supports cell replication, the creation of fresh blood vessels, and the development of muscle fibers. Its notable advantage lies in its considerably reduced size compared to alternative supplements, leading to swifter absorption and more prompt outcomes. Scientific validation attests to the efficacy of this approach in hastening recovery following injuries or physical exertion.
Generic Name:

TB-500 5mg

Compound Information:

Molecular Weight: 889.01 g/mol
Formula: C38H68N10O14
Anabolic Rating: N/A
Androgenic Rating: N/A

SKU: FLEX-INJ-033 Categories:, ,

Product Description

Dosage (Male)

5-20mg per week

Dosage (Female)

1-10mg per week

Dosage Frequency


Dosage Type

Subcutaneous or Intramuscular Injection

Active Half-Life

Approximately 2-3 hours

Chemical Name

Thymosin β 4 Synthetic Molecule

Stack With…

BPC-157, IGF LR3

Post-Cycle Therapy

No PCT required

Enhanced Strength

TB-500, a naturally occurring peptide with regenerative capabilities, contributes to strength augmentation by specifically targeting skeletal and cardiac muscles. Research indicates a substantial rise in red blood cell count and improved muscle endurance through its usage, translating to notable advancements in power and strength.

Elevated Muscular Endurance

This peptide operates by stimulating the production of various cell types responsible for nourishing and structuring various tissues in the body, including muscle tissue. Additionally, it plays a role in generating proteins that regulate immune system responses, inflammation, and cell migration.

Expedited Tissue Recovery

Moreover, TB-500 holds the potential to expedite healing by enhancing collagen production, thereby increasing joint flexibility. This attribute proves particularly advantageous for athletes, aiding in fatigue reduction following intense exercise and optimizing recovery periods.

Mitigates Inflammation

Distinguishing itself from other treatments, TB-500 stands out for its capacity to target inflammation without inducing harmful side effects. Operating at the cellular level, TB-500 presents potential applications in treating a broad spectrum of inflammatory diseases and conditions.

Side Effects + Considerations

TB-500, a synthetic peptide employed for enhancing muscle growth and addressing injuries, brings with it considerations regarding potential side effects, a common aspect of pharmaceuticals. While the adverse consequences of TB-500 remain largely uncharted, research hints at the possibility of fatigue, headaches, sporadic nausea, and even seizures. It’s worth acknowledging that misuse has been reported due to its versatile efficacy in treating various symptom-related conditions. Thus, adherence to the prescribed dosage, as directed by a medical professional, becomes crucial. In the event of any concerning or persistent side effects or symptoms, prompt consultation with your healthcare provider is advised.

Dosage for Adult Males:

5-20mg per week

Dosage for Adult Females:

1-10mg per week

Dosage Frequency:


Dosage Type:

Subcutaneous or Intramuscular Injection

Our Guide to
Intramuscular Injection

Gather Your Equipment

If you're new to the process of injection, ensure you have all the essential supplies at your disposal before commencing. This includes the injectable substance, a sterile disposable syringe and needle, alcohol wipes, a secure container for proper needle disposal, cotton balls or gauze pads for cleansing, and optionally, a mirror for self-injection, if required. Having these items readily available ensures a seamless and uninterrupted injection process. It is vital to prioritize safety and efficiency to position your body optimally for health and longevity.

Compound Extraction

Once all the necessary materials are assembled, proceed to extract the substance from the vial. Keep the vial upright, slowly pull back the plunger to draw the prescribed dosage into the syringe. Be careful to extract the exact amount prescribed, adhering to the instructions provided by your healthcare professional. After filling the syringe, gently tap it to dislodge any air bubbles. If any air bubbles are present, push the plunger up slightly to eliminate them, ensuring that only the specified amount of the substance is in the syringe. Familiarize yourself with the proper injection depth before advancing to the next step.

Preparation Before Injection

Before administering your injection, choose a well-lit and clean area. Prior to starting, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to maintain hygiene. Once your workspace is prepared, ready the injection site, which could be the buttocks (gluteal muscles), thighs, or upper arm (deltoid muscle). Seek guidance from your healthcare provider on the appropriate site. Regardless of the chosen site, use an alcohol wipe to cleanse it, removing any dirt, oils, or contaminants. Allow the area to air dry completely after the cleaning process.

Compound Administration

With the syringe prepared, it's time to administer the injection. Hold the prepared syringe and carefully insert the needle into the designated injection site. Once the needle is inserted at the correct depth, pull back slightly on the plunger to confirm that you haven't hit a blood vessel. If blood appears in the syringe, retract the needle and attempt again with a new needle tip. Assuming there is no blood, steadily and slowly push the plunger to inject the substance. Take your time to ensure a controlled and comfortable administration of the injection. After the full dosage is administered, withdraw the needle from the injection site.

Safe Disposale of Needle Tips and Syringes

Ensuring the proper disposal of utilized syringes and needles is crucial for the safety of yourself and those around you. Once used, promptly deposit the syringe and needle into a designated sharps container. Avoid recapping the needle to prevent unintentional needle pricks. Familiarize yourself with the regulations in your local area concerning the appropriate disposal of medical waste. Numerous regions have specific guidelines for discarding sharps containers, and adhering to them is vital to safeguard both your community and the environment.

Incorporate TB-500 Into a Stack

Bodybuilders often opt for a combination of diverse peptides to augment their muscle growth and advancement, in conjunction with TB-500. Our preferred peptide to pair with TB-500 is unquestionably BPC-157. The synergy of these two peptides accelerates the healing process, providing the optimal benefits. Initially, TB-500 functions as the synthetic counterpart to a region predominantly active in Thymosin Beta 4. Its role in promoting healing involves facilitating the production of new blood vessels and muscle tissue, achieved through the upregulation of actin and other proteins essential for cell building. When considering the coupling with BPC-157, the emphasis shifts towards the healing of soft tissue injuries, particularly in areas such as tendons and ligaments. Further, we advocate the combination of TB-500 with IGF-1 LR3. These compounds collectively contribute to enhanced healing, recovery, and superior muscle growth when utilized consistently over time.

Usage Guidelines for TB-500

Loading Phase: The idea behind a loading phase is to rapidly elevate the levels of TB-500 in the body to initiate its healing and regenerative processes. This phase typically lasts for 4-6 weeks, but this can vary based on individual goals, the extent of injury or tissue damage, and response to the peptide. Administration: With a total of 10mg per week, you could be administering doses of 2.5mg to 5mg across 2-4 injections per week. This approach allows for a consistent therapeutic presence in the body, aiming to rapidly harness the peptide’s regenerative capabilities while maintaining flexibility in dosing frequency.

Maintenance Phase: After the initial loading phase, the maintenance phase aims to sustain the healing effects with a lower dosage, reducing the frequency of administration and potentially minimizing any risks or side effects. Reducing the dose to 2-6mg per week and splitting this into 2-4 injections maintains a steady level of TB-500 in the body. The exact dosage and frequency would depend on ongoing healing needs and individual response. The maintenance phase can be ongoing, depending on the condition being treated and the individual’s response. Some may cycle off after a period of time to evaluate the body’s natural healing progress.

  1. Draw 2ml of Bacteriostatic Water USP from the vial.
  2. Carefully inject the Bacteriostatic Water into the TB-500 vial. Aim the stream along the side of the vial, avoiding direct contact with the lyophilized powder.
  3. Gently swirl the vial to dissolve the powder completely. Ensure the solution becomes clear. Do not shake the vial vigorously.
  4. Once mixed, the concentration will be 5mg TB-500 per vial, equating to 250mcg per 10 units on an insulin syringe. Remember, 100 units on the syringe equals 1ml, corresponding to 5mg of TB-500.
  5. The prepared solution can be administered subcutaneously (Sub Q). Injections can be either site-specific or administered in the lower abdominal fat area.
  6. Once reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water, the TB-500 solution should be stored in a refrigerator. Use the mixed solution within 60 days to ensure potency and effectiveness.

Seek Guidance From a Medical Professional

Before contemplating the usage of anabolic steroids, it's essential to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. They can evaluate your general health, discuss possible risks and advantages, and offer personalized guidance based on your specific needs.

Get High-Quality Items From Trusted Sources

Make sure to procure anabolic steroids from trustworthy sources to reduce the likelihood of receiving counterfeit or tainted products. Only buy from reliable suppliers who adhere to quality control standards and have a favorable reputation within the community.

Start Slow and Progress Gradually

If you opt to incorporate anabolic steroids, it is recommended to initiate the regimen with the smallest effective dosage. Incrementally raise the dosage if required, while closely monitoring your body's reactions and any potential adverse effects.

Prioritize Proper Post-Cycle Therapy

Following the conclusion of a steroid cycle, it's crucial to engage in a thorough post-cycle therapy routine. This aids in restoring natural hormone production, minimizing side effects, and preserving overall health and well-being.

Side Effects + Considerations

Anabolic steroids present substantial health risks that necessitate careful consideration. Consult healthcare professionals before use to comprehend potential adverse effects, including cardiovascular issues, hormonal imbalances, and psychological impacts. Strictly adhere to prescribed dosages and durations while prioritizing regular health monitoring. Adolescents should refrain from using these substances due to potential growth interference. Opt for alternative fitness methods to prioritize overall health and well-being, and always use under professional supervision.

The use of anabolic steroids demands thoughtful consideration due to serious health risks. Seek guidance from healthcare professionals before embarking on their use to fully understand potential adverse effects. Strictly adhere to prescribed dosages and durations, prioritize regular health monitoring, and avoid use by adolescents to prevent potential interference with growth. Explore alternative fitness methods that prioritize overall health and well-being, and use anabolic steroids only under the supervision of qualified professionals.


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